Child Jesus Infant Jesus of Prague

Since the Child Jesus is the central figure in the story of Christmas, in some families or communities even the Child alone is adored. For many people it is important that the Child in the Holy Night is placed in the prepared crib. For this reason, the Franco company has two single Jesus babies with cradles for sale. They are accompanied by the important Infant Jesus of Prague, whose original is kept for worship in the church of the Victorious Virgin Mary.
Poiché Gesù Bambino è la figura centrale della storia del Natale, in qualche famiglia o comunità si adora anche il solo Bambinello. Per molte persone è importante che il Bambino nella Notte Santa venga adagiato nel presepio già preparato. Per questa evenienza l'azienda Franco ha in vendita due Gesù bambini singoli con culla. A essi si affianca l'importante Gesù Bambino di Praga, il cui originale è conservato per il culto nella chiesa della Vergine Maria Vittoriosa.

Both single baby Jesus are available in sizes from 7 to 30 cm (5810) as well as from 12 to 36 cm (5800). In the 5800 model, the 36 cm size is also prepared in lime wood, which gives them truly personalized characteristics. The Child covered only by a cloth is available in all the usual finishes and also antiqued. The smaller model 5810 wears a colored and antiqued version of the shirt in white. The gilded antiqued version is covered with 23-karat gold leaf. For the Baby Jesus there is the suitable cradle, where you can choose between a manger with straw and a halo just mentioned and a very modest wooden manger. With the Infant Jesus of Prague, however, the Franco firm follows the line of official representations of significant Christian works of art. The original wax figure of 45 cm in height is made in Val Gardena in maple wood, in sizes from 11 to 32 cm. Alongside the colored version, very similar to the original, there are also natural, waxed and patinated finishes. Generally the Infant Jesus of Prague, made in the 16th century by an anonymous artist and depicting a Jesus of about three years of age, enjoys great popularity. There are in fact innumerable reproductions, of which two are found in Italy, one in Rome and one in Arenzano (Genoa).
Entrambi i Gesù bambini singoli sono disponibili nei formati da 7 a 30 cm (5810) nonché da 12 a 36 cm (5800). Nel modello 5800 il formato da 36 cm è scolpito in legno di tiglio. Il Bambino ricoperto solo da un telo è disponibile in tutte le finiture solite e anche antichizzato. Il modello 5810, più piccolo.........
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