Franco Comploj
Wood carvings manufactory since 1929

Christ’s Bodies

The body of Christ on the cross is one of the strongest symbols of the Christian faith. With or without a cross, Christ is traditionally present in the living room in the corner dedicated to God, so that we men remember the gift of Jesus to us and raise our prayers to him. The body of Christ can also be used to complete an already existing crucifix, or made by the host, but without a body.
Il corpo del Cristo in croce è uno dei simboli più forti della fede cristiana. Con o senza croce, Cristo è tradizionalmente presente in salotto nell'angolo dedicato a Dio, affinché noi uomini facciamo memoria del dono di Gesù a noi ed eleviamo le nostre preghiere a lui. Il corpo di Cristo può anche servire a completare un crocifisso già esistente, o realizzato dal padrone di casa, ma privo di corpo.

The sizes as used in the descriptions are always measured from head to toe.
At Franco, five different models of Christ's bodies are available, each with a different style. The dimensions indicated always mean from feet to head. The two bodies of Christ 4400 and 4500 are of the classical type, Jesus suffering on the cross, as in most of the crucifixes. They are available in sizes from 10 up to 85 cm (model 4400) and 12 up to 40 cm (model 4500), with the usual finishes (from natural to painted) as well as with an antique finish. From the size of 60 cm onwards, the body of Christ 4400 is carved in lime wood, while all the other measures are in maple wood. The bodies of Christ 4545 and 4550 belong to the Romanesque vein, characterized by simpler and more regular lines and fewer details. These specimens are very old and date back to the 11th-13th century. The body of Christ 4550 is a faithful reproduction of the original of the "Great God of Altenstadt" from the 13th century, whose fame is mainly due to the height of 3.20. Like the classical bodies of Christ, both in the Romanesque and in the classical style an antiqued finish is also available. Those who prefer not to explicitly see the suffering on the body of Christ can turn to the 4600 model with a stylized body. It is a more modern interpretation, also proposed with antique finishes and in an entirely golden model.
Presso la Franco sono disponibili cinque diversi modelli di corpi di Cristo, ciascuno con uno stile diverso. Le dimensioni indicate si intendono sempre dai piedi alla testa . I due corpi di Cristo 4400 e 4500 sono di tipo classico, Gesù sofferente in croce, come nella gran parte dei crocifissi. Sono disponibili nelle dimensioni da ........

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